Collegiate Wind Competition

JHU Students Advance in DOE Collegiate Wind Competition

  • February 26, 2021
  • Wind

A Johns Hopkins undergraduate team is among the 13 collegiate teams named finalists in the i Department of Energy’s 2021 competition.

exhaust fumes from car

Discovery in Emission Control Catalysts

Chemical and biomolecular engineer Chao Wang has discovered a new way of characterizing atomic structures in high-performance catalysts

Anthony Shoji

Anthony Shoji Hall Receives NSF CAREER Award

The award will support Hall’s project, “Room Temperature Electrochemical Synthesis of Ordered Intermetallic Nanomaterials.” Hall is an assistant professor of materials...

two workers in a lab

Certifying Sustainable Practices

  • January 26, 2021
  • Grid

A new initiative, launched at Hopkins Engineering, saves energy and brings environmental practices to laboratories throughout the university.

multiple steel car frames

From Highways to High-rises, Engineering Analysis May Drive New Uses for Automotive Steel

  • September 30, 2020
  • Grid

Advanced automotive steel is four times stronger than standard construction steel and could be used to create more sustainable and resilient...

solar panels

Building a Culture of Sustainability at Hopkins

JHU’s Office of Sustainability releases new annual report outlining university engagement programs and environmental performance metrics.