The Ralph O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute (ROSEI) hosted its second successful event with undergraduate students in as many weeks when it held an information session about the newly-created energy minor. Led by leadership council member Susanna Thon, the conversation entailed what courses would need to be taken to complete the minor, as well as useful information about how to sign up for it, and who would be their advisor.
“Half the battle when you start a new program at Hopkins is getting the word out about it to as wide of a student audience as possible,” Thon said. “This event was a good way of doing that and demonstrating to students that the faculty involved with the minor are really passionate about it. We had a few students sign up for the minor before this meeting, and even more signed up during and after the meeting, showing the impact of this event!”
The minor – which is affiliated with ROSEI but is jointly administered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS) – is open to all students in the Whiting School of Engineering and Krieger School of Arts & Sciences. Questions about the minor for WSE students can be directed to Thon, while KSAS students can contact EPS Associate Teaching Professor Jerry Burgess.