Starts in

February 20, 2025

12:00 pm / 1:00 pm


Mergenthaler 111

Note: This talk is available on Zoom.

Title: Advancing Towards a Smarter and More Sustainable Transportation System

Abstract: Transitioning to more livable and sustainable smart cities requires improving today’s transportation system to be smarter, safer, and more resilient. In this talk, Corey Harper will discuss how emerging trends in transportation could change the way we envision our cities and communities and the importance of putting people’s needs at the forefront. In the first part of his talk, he will discuss how connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) could impact parking economics and energy use in our downtown urban cores. In the second part, he will discuss how micromobility modes could impact transportation congestion, emissions, and energy use. Finally, he will discuss future research opportunities and directions related to equity, ridesharing, and vehicle electrification.

Bio: Corey Harper is an Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Heinz School of Information Systems and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. In his role as the director of the Future Mobility Systems Lab he leads a team of researchers who explore the infrastructure, policy, and equity implications of emerging transportation technologies (e.g., autonomous vehicles and micromobility). He is a recipient of multiple Department of Energy awards and is also an Associate Editor for the Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. Before becoming a professor, he was a consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, helping the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and Department of Defense (DOD) with the integration of connected and automated vehicles.