March 25, 2025
3:00 pm / 4:15 pm
Shaffer 3
Note: There is a virtual option available for this seminar.
Title: Research challenges of a transition from synchronous machine-based to power electronics-based power systems
Abstract: Increased penetration of wind and solar PV plants and batteries changes fundamental characteristics of the power system as those devices are connected to the grid by means of power electronics (inverters) rather than synchronous machines (SMs). It means that power system characteristics are no longer fixed by the physics of SMs but can be (almost) freely shaped by programmable inverters. This represents the biggest change to power system operation and control since AC power systems were first developed at the end of the 19th Century. The presentation will discuss the differences between SM-based and power electronics-based power systems, the challenges for power system modelling and analysis, limits to what extent power electronics can replace synchronous machines, and finish with discussing frequency control and system stability.
Bio: Janusz Bialek (FIEEE) is Principal Research Fellow at Imperial College London. Previously, he held Chair Professor positions at the University of Edinburgh, Durham University, Newcastle University and Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech, Moscow). He resigned from Skoltech when Russia invaded Ukraine. Janusz has been PI and CoI of multi-million research grants funded by UK Research Councils and the industry, and a consultant to the UK government, European Commission, and International Energy Agency. He has published widely on integration of renewable generation in power systems, smart grids, power system dynamics, preventing electricity blackouts and power markets.