Branko Kosović
Branko Kosović is an associate research scientist at the Ralph O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute (ROSEI). He joined Hopkins in July 2024.
His expertise is in boundary layer meteorology with a focus on high-resolution simulations of boundary layer flows. Kosović has been involved in and led research and development activities in atmospheric transport and dispersion, turbulence modeling and simulations, renewable energy applications, and wildland fire prediction. He has also worked on inverse problems using nonlinear optimization and Bayesian inference with stochastic sampling.
Kosović is currently working on extending multiscale modeling capabilities in numerical weather prediction models for wind energy applications.
Prior to coming to Hopkins, Kosović was the director of the Weather Systems and Assessment Program in the Research Applications Laboratory and the program manager for Renewable Energy at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), which he joined in 2009. He also previously spent seven years at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and is the author of over 100 peer-reviewed journal papers and several book chapters.
Kosović received his PhD in aerospace engineering from the University of Colorado (1996), a master’s degree in aerospace engineering from Penn State University (1991), and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Rijeka in Croatia (1988).