
Benjamin W. Schafer

ROSEI Director, Willard and Lillian Hackerman Professor of Civil and Systems Engineering

Susanna Thon

ROSEI Associate Director, Leadership Council, Associate Professor and the Marshal Salant Faculty Scholar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Uzi “Yury” Dvorkin

Leadership Council, Associate Professor, Departments of Civil and Systems Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering

Jonah Erlebacher

Leadership Council, Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Dennice F. Gayme

Leadership Council, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Julie K. Lundquist

Leadership Council, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Wind Energy, Departments of Earth & Planetary Sciences and Mechanical Engineering

Jeffrey Maranchi

Leadership Council, Research Program Area Manager
Applied Physics Lab

Mitra Taheri

Leadership Council, Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Sara Thoi

Leadership Council, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

Chao Wang

Leadership Council, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering