Jonah Erlebacher’s Etch Raises $6.5 Million

This story originally appeared on the CityBiz+ website. It features ROSEI’s Jonah Erlebacher.

Jonah Erlebacher’s Etch Raises $6.5 Million

This story originally appeared on the CityBiz+ website. It features ROSEI’s Jonah Erlebacher.

Team led by Yayuan Liu furthers research on greener CO2 capture

This story was written by Jonathan Deutschman, and was originally published on the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering website. Today’s...

Accepting Applications: R&D Positions in Sustainable Energy, ROSEI

Learn more about the position. Description: Are you interested in joining a research and engineering team taking on one of the...

ROSEI hosts inaugural translation to market workshop

The Ralph O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute (ROSEI) had a big turnout for its inaugural Translation to Market (T2M) Workshop for energy...